In today’s data-driven world, organizations are increasingly seeking ways to harness the power of information to optimize their operations and achieve greater efficiency. Print management is no exception. With the ever-increasing volume of documents being printed, organizations are turning to print tracking software to gain insights into their printing habits, identify areas for cost savings, and make informed decisions about their printing infrastructure.

This article will explore the key benefits of using print tracking software, highlighting how OM Plus Stats Manager stands out as a premier solution for optimizing print management and unlocking hidden efficiencies within organizations.

Unveiling the Print Landscape with OM Plus Stats Manager

OM Plus Stats Manager by Plus Technologies stands out as a premier print tracking software solution, empowering organizations to take control of their printing environment and unleash the power of print data analytics. By capturing comprehensive print metrics, OM Plus Stats Manager provides a granular view of printing activity, enabling organizations to understand who, what, when, and where print jobs are originating.

User-Based Print Metrics: A Game Changer in Print Management

Traditional print tracking software often falls short in providing user-level insights, limiting organizations’ ability to identify individual printing patterns and address potential cost drivers. OM Plus Stats Manager breaks this barrier by capturing user-based print metrics, allowing organizations to analyze printing behavior at the individual level.

This granular data unveils valuable insights into how users are interacting with printing resources, enabling organizations to:

  • Identify high-volume printers and users: By pinpointing the individuals and devices responsible for excessive printing, organizations can implement targeted interventions to reduce unnecessary printing and optimize resource allocation.
  • Analyze departmental printing trends: Understanding departmental printing patterns can reveal areas where printing costs can be consolidated or streamlined, leading to significant cost savings.
  • Enforce print policies: User-based print metrics provide a foundation for enforcing print policies and ensuring compliance with organizational guidelines, reducing waste and unauthorized printing activities.

Ad-hoc Query Capabilities: Unlocking Hidden Insights

OM Plus Stats Manager goes beyond traditional print tracking software by providing ad-hoc query capabilities, empowering users to explore their print data with flexibility and precision. This feature allows users to:

  • Drill down into specific data points: Users can filter and segment data based on various criteria, such as department, user, document type, or date range, to uncover hidden trends and patterns.
  • Uncover anomalies and outliers: By analyzing data from different perspectives, users can identify unusual printing patterns or potential errors, enabling timely corrective actions.
  • Gain a holistic understanding of print behavior: The ability to slice and dice print data provides a comprehensive picture of printing activity, empowering organizations to make informed decisions about print management strategies.

Customizable Reporting: Tailored Insights for Informed Decisions

OM Plus Stats Manager understands that organizations have unique reporting needs. That’s why it offers customizable reporting options, allowing users to generate reports tailored to their specific requirements. With this feature, users can:

  • Select desired data fields: Users can choose the specific data elements they want to include in their reports, ensuring they have the information they need to make informed decisions.
  • Customize report layouts: Users can personalize report layouts to match their organizational style and preferences, enhancing readability and accessibility.
  • Schedule regular reports: Automated report generation ensures that users receive the insights they need on a regular basis, without the need for manual intervention.

Calculate Print Costs: Accurate Cost Attribution

OM Plus Stats Manager goes beyond simply tracking print activity; it also provides the ability to calculate print costs. This feature enables organizations to:

  • Accurately track print expenses: By assigning print costs to individual users or departments, organizations can gain a clear understanding of how printing costs are distributed within their organization.
  • Identify cost-saving opportunities: Accurate print cost data can highlight areas where printing expenses can be reduced, such as by eliminating unnecessary color printing or duplexing documents.
  • Make data-driven decisions about print infrastructure: Understanding the true cost of printing can inform decisions about printer placement, equipment upgrades, and outsourcing strategies.

Customer Testimonials: Real-World Impact of OM Plus Stats Manager

Organizations across diverse industries are leveraging the power of OM Plus Stats Manager to optimize their print environments and achieve significant benefits. Here’s what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

“OM Plus Stats Manager has helped us reduce our printing costs by 20% in just the first year of use. The user-based print metrics have been particularly valuable in identifying areas where we can streamline our printing processes.” – IT Manager, Manufacturing Company

“With OM Plus Stats Manager, we’ve been able to enforce our print policies and reduce unauthorized printing by over 30%. This has not only saved us money but also helped us improve our compliance with environmental regulations.” – Sustainability Director, Healthcare Organization

“The ad-hoc query capabilities of OM Plus Stats Manager have been a game-changer for us. We’ve been able to uncover hidden insights into our printing behavior, which has helped us make informed decisions.

Unlocking the Potential of Print Management

In an era of escalating printing costs and environmental concerns, print tracking software has emerged as a powerful tool for organizations seeking to optimize their printing environments and achieve greater efficiency. OM Plus Stats Manager stands out as a premier solution, providing comprehensive data analytics, granular insights, and customizable reporting capabilities.

By harnessing the power of OM Plus Stats Manager, organizations can:

  • Identify and address excessive printing: Uncover high-volume users and printers to implement targeted interventions and reduce unnecessary printing.
  • Enforce print policies: Enforce organizational guidelines to minimize unauthorized printing and promote responsible printing practices.
  • Optimize resource allocation: Optimize printer placement, consolidate printing services, and streamline printing processes to reduce costs.
  • Gain a holistic understanding of printing behavior: Obtain a comprehensive view of printing activity across departments, users, and devices to make informed decisions about print management strategies.
  • Accurately track and allocate print expenses: Gain a clear understanding of how printing costs are distributed throughout the organization to identify cost-saving opportunities.
  • Make data-driven decisions about print infrastructure: Inform decisions about printer placement, equipment upgrades, and outsourcing strategies to optimize print resource utilization.

Embrace the Future of Print Management with OM Plus Stats Manager

As organizations continue to embrace digital transformation, print management remains an essential component of efficient operations. OM Plus Stats

 Manager empowers organizations to take control of their printing environment, optimize their printing processes, and achieve significant cost savings without compromising on efficiency or productivity.

Contact Us Today to Experience the Power of OM Plus Stats Manager

Join the growing number of organizations that are harnessing the power of OM Plus Stats Manager to optimize their printing environments and achieve remarkable results. Schedule a FREE consultation today to learn more about how OM Plus Stats Manager can transform your print management strategy and unlock the full potential of your printing infrastructure.