Paperless Solution to Boost Patient Portal Adoption Rates with Dir2Email

Healthcare organizations often face the challenge of low patient portal adoption rates. Patients may be hesitant to use portals due to technical difficulties or simply forgetfulness. This can result in a low adoption rate and, consequently, a less engaged patient population. However, Dir2Email, a patient portal solution, is here to help. Dir2Email provides a managed process that sends copies of patient portal information directly to patients via secure email. It also tracks activity for auditing purposes, making it easier to monitor and manage patient information. This solution is customizable and can be tailored to meet each customer’s specific needs.

Benefits of Dir2Email

Easy Setup

Dir2Email is simple and easy to set up. Once copies of patient documents are sent to a specified folder with the proper filename format, the solution takes care of the rest. This fast and easy setup enables organizations to start realizing the benefits of Dir2Email quickly.


Dir2Email is a customizable solution that can be tailored to meet each customer’s specific needs. Organizations can configure an appropriate ‘From Address’, ‘Subject Line’, ‘Body’, and optionally insert patient’s first name(s) for a more personalized touch. This helps patients recognize the email as legitimate and makes them more likely to open and read through the information.

Secure and Compliant Workflow

Dir2Email ensures patient information remains secure and compliant with HIPAA, PHI, and other security requirements. The solution packages patient portal documents into one email and forwards them through encrypted email to the patient.

Time and Cost Savings

Dir2Email saves time and money by making it easy for patients to access required information. It reduces patient support costs associated with portal operations and print costs since patients ask for fewer printed documents when they know they will get their information via secure email.

Better Patient Experience Means Improve Patient Portal Adoption Rates

Dir2Email makes for a more pleasant patient experience when they get their information more conveniently and are more likely to read it. Patients who are better educated about their situation tend to recover faster. Additionally, better-informed patients tend to be more satisfied, leading to better HCAHPS survey scores, which can result in higher reimbursements and a better reputation in the community.

How Dir2Email Works

  • Copies of documents from patient portal and other applications
  • Dir2Email processes documents into a configurable email format and forwards them through a secure email system
  • The patient securely receives information that is easily viewable and printable.

Dir2Email for Healthcare Organizations

Dir2Email is an excellent solution for healthcare organizations looking to increase patient portal adoption rates. The customizable and easy-to-use nature of the solution makes it a valuable tool for any organization looking to provide a better patient experience. With Dir2Email, healthcare providers can streamline patient information delivery and reduce costs, all while keeping patient information secure and compliant.