Secure PrintingImagine this: You’ve just printed a client contract containing sensitive financial information. You get pulled into a meeting, and upon returning to the printer, the documents are nowhere to be found! This scenario, while frightening, is all too common. Traditional printing methods leave documents vulnerable in output trays, exposing confidential information to anyone passing by. In today’s data-driven world, where breaches can be costly and compliance regulations are strict, secure printing solutions are no longer a luxury, but a necessity.

The High Cost of Insecure Printing

Data breaches caused by insecure printing are on the rise. According to a healthcare study by The Ponemon Institute and compiled in a report by Shred-It, a significant portion of data breaches involve printing mistakes.  Leaving sensitive documents unattended in printer trays can lead to:

  • Financial Loss: Data breaches can result in hefty fines, legal fees, and reputational damage.
  • Compliance Violations: Industries like healthcare (HIPAA) and finance (PCI DSS) have strict regulations regarding secure printing of sensitive information. Failing to comply can lead to hefty penalties.
  • Loss of Client Trust: A data breach can erode client trust and damage your reputation.

The Tailored Secure Printing Solution: My-Print-Delivery by Plus Technologies

Plus Technologies offers a powerful solution to these challenges: My-Print-Delivery. This innovative software utilizes “pull printing” technology to eliminate the risk of unattended documents. Here’s how it works:

  • My-print-deliverySecure Authentication: Users must identify themselves at the printer using a variety of methods (card swipe, PIN, etc.) before releasing their print jobs. This ensures only authorized personnel can access confidential documents.
  • Print Job Follows You: Print from anywhere on your network and release the job at any designated printer. No more worries about forgetting documents at a specific printer or rushing back to collect them.
  • Enhanced Security: My-Print-Delivery integrates seamlessly with existing access control systems, adding an extra layer of security to your printing environment.

Benefits Beyond Security

My-Print-Delivery isn’t just about security; it offers a multitude of benefits for both IT staff and users:

  • Reduced Printing Costs: Minimize wasted prints and toner usage by allowing users to review print jobs before releasing them.
  • Increased Mobility: Users can print from any device on the network and retrieve documents from any designated printer, boosting productivity.
  • Simplified Management: My-Print-Delivery integrates easily with existing infrastructure, minimizing the burden on IT staff.

Beyond My-Print-Delivery: Best Practices for Secure Printing

Secure DocumentWhile My-Print-Delivery is a powerful tool, a comprehensive secure printing strategy requires additional measures:

  • User Education: Train employees on the importance of secure printing practices, including logging off computers, being mindful of unattended documents, and using secure printing features like My-Print-Delivery.
  • Secure Disposal: Implement procedures for secure disposal of printed documents containing confidential information. Shredding or using designated document destruction bins are essential.

Take Control of Your Printing Security

Don’t wait for a data breach to highlight the importance of secure printing.  By implementing My-Print-Delivery from Plus Technologies, along with best practices like user education and proper document disposal, you can safeguard your confidential information and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Ready to learn more? Contact Plus Technologies today to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION and learn what My-Print-Delivery can do for you. We’ll help you create a secure printing environment that protects your data and gives you peace of mind.