8 more cities buy OMP Print Spooling Software. Kettering, Ohio is among the 8 cities who bought OMP Print Spooling Software, through Plus Technologies’ partner Sungard. Over 150 municipal and regional government entities have implemented OM Plus Print Spooler Software. Over a hundred smaller and mid size organizations from coast to coast have also acquired the print spooling software. Cities like Kettering Ohio, and Peoria Illinois included. Some larger cities in the US including New York, Cincinnati, Portland, Chicago, and Houston have also implemented OM Plus Print Spooling Software.

Some of these organizations have acquired the software directly from Plus Technologies while others have acquired the print spooling software through Plus Technologies’ partner, Sungard Public Sector. Sungard utilizes the OM Plus software in their ERP products such as One Solution and Naviline.

For more information, contact Plus Technologies