Tired of unreliable printing, lost documents, and costly delays? Discover how intelligent print management can revolutionize your SAP printing experience. This article will explore the challenges of native SAP printing and introduce OM Plus, a powerful solution that leverages intelligent features to enhance efficiency, improve reliability, and boost your bottom line.

Dive into key benefits like intelligent job routing, confirmed document delivery, automated failover, and more. Learn how OM Plus can streamline your workflows, reduce costs, and empower your business to thrive. Unlock the power of intelligent print management today!

Introducing OM Plus: Your Intelligent Print Management Solution

OM Plus is a revolutionary intelligent print management software designed specifically for SAP users. It seamlessly integrates with your existing SAP system, offering a comprehensive suite of features that transform your printing experience:

Intelligent Job Routing and Load Balancing:

  • Streamline document workflows: Automate repetitive tasks and route documents to the optimal printer based on intelligent rules and criteria.
  • Eliminate bottlenecks: Dynamically balance print jobs across multiple devices to ensure efficient throughput and avoid congestion.
  • Prioritize critical jobs: Ensure timely delivery of high-priority documents with advanced queue management features.

Enhanced Reliability and Security:

  • Confirmed document delivery: Receive real-time confirmation that documents have reached the printer tray, eliminating lost documents and wasted time searching.
  • Automated failover: Minimize downtime with automatic failover to backup printers in case of device failure.
  • Proactive alerts: Be notified of potential issues before they impact your operations, allowing for proactive troubleshooting and resolution.

Increased Productivity and Cost Savings:

  • Centralized management: Manage your entire print environment from a single interface, simplifying administration and reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Automated packet creation: Create and print document packets effortlessly based on specific criteria, saving valuable time and resources.
  • Reduced paper waste: Eliminate misprints and unnecessary printing with intelligent document routing and print job control features.

OM Plus: More Than Just Print Management

OM Plus goes beyond basic print management by offering additional features that enhance your overall business operations:

  • Pull printing: Securely print documents from any device with My-Print-Delivery, increasing user convenience and security.
  • Cloud printing: Print from anywhere with i-Sat, our secure cloud printing solution, ideal for remote employees and branch offices.
  • Scalability: OM Plus scales seamlessly to meet the needs of growing businesses, ensuring future-proof functionality.

Experience the OM Plus Difference:

Join leading companies like Arc International, Camion Transport, and Porsche who rely on OM Plus to optimize their printing and achieve significant benefits:

  • Increased uptime and reliability
  • Reduced administrative burden
  • Enhanced productivity and efficiency
  • Faster document throughput
  • Improved compliance and security
  • Lower operational costs

Unleash the power of intelligent print management with OM Plus. Contact Plus Technologies today to Schedule a FREE Consultation and discover how you can transform your SAP printing experience.