What is print management for business?

Print management for business is the process of managing and controlling printing within a business environment. This includes tasks such as:

Why is print management for business important?

Print management is important for business because it can help businesses to:

  • Improve efficiency: Print management can help businesses to streamline their printing operations and reduce the time and resources spent on printing.
  • Reduce costs: Print management can help businesses to reduce their printing costs by tracking and monitoring print usage, identifying areas where printing can be reduced, and implementing cost-saving measures.
  • Improve security: Print management can help businesses to improve the security of their confidential print jobs by restricting access to printers and requiring users to authenticate before printing.
  • Reduce environmental impact: Print management can help businesses to reduce their environmental impact by reducing paper consumption and waste.

5 benefits of print management for business

Here are five of the key benefits of print management for business:

  • Improved efficiency: Print management can help businesses to improve their printing efficiency by automating tasks such as print job routing and print queue management. This can free up employees to focus on other tasks and improve overall productivity.

  • Reduced costs: Print management can help businesses to reduce their printing costs by tracking and monitoring print usage, identifying areas where printing can be reduced, and implementing cost-saving measures such as duplex printing and print quotas.
  • Increased security: Print management can help businesses to improve the security of their confidential print jobs by restricting access to printers and requiring users to authenticate before printing. This can help to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive documents and reduce the risk of data breaches.
  • Reduced environmental impact: Print management can help businesses to reduce their environmental impact by reducing paper consumption and
    waste. This can be achieved by implementing measures such as duplex printing, mobile printing, and secure print release.
  • Enhanced compliance: Print management can help businesses to comply with industry regulations and standards by providing detailed reports on print usage and security events. This can help businesses to identify and address any potential compliance issues.

How to implement print management for business

There are a number of different ways to implement print management for business. Some businesses choose to implement print management in-house, while others choose to outsource print management to a third-party provider.

If you choose to implement print management in-house, you will need to have the necessary resources and expertise to manage your printing environment effectively. This may include having a dedicated IT team or hiring a print management consultant.

If you choose to outsource print management, you will need to select a third-party provider that has the experience and expertise to meet your specific needs such as OM Plus. Be sure to compare different providers and get quotes before making a decision.


Print management is an important part of any business, regardless of size or industry. By implementing print management effectively, businesses can improve their efficiency, reduce their costs, improve their security, and reduce their environmental impact.